You never know how far you can go unless you run. (secretariat)
So the house is finally quiet, had a wonderfully lazy early part of the day where i putzed around in my new butterfly thermal pajama bottoms :). Then tried taking my son and his friend to the skate park on post only to see it be closed again ...ugh. Not sure what is up with that but it is frustrating. Then later in the afternoon i took the little kids to the drop in weekend daycare for a few hours while the older 2 and I went and saw secretariat and then hit the goodwill to look for the components to my son Herbs Halloween costume. He is going to be a old man! He is a great character actor and does amazing voice impressions,,,so i think it is going to be a awesome idea as i know he will really get into it. I'm trying to talk him into carting around a bunch of balloons like the old man in the movie Up.
Cant wait till my love comes home, so far i have been lucky to get to talk or text every day since he left, but they are getting ready to go out to the box where they cant take their cell phones...but once out he should be loading up to fly home soon ! Hooray!
I bought a really cool jacket for church at the goodwill tonight and my kids just rolled their eyes "oh mom its too old looking" what???
But then i looked at them and said IF I'M OLD YOU MADE ME THIS WAY LOL
They really enjoy when they have my time and attention, to be without the little ones for a few hours is a nice break for us all. I can tell the older 2 relish that time . It was something i started to do when Highlander was deployed last time...
So the thing i got from watching this movie which by the way is a GREAT family movie! Is how wonderful and beautiful it is to see this horse be born and live and accomplish what he was put here to do...in his case to run. He is a race horse after all. And can you imagine if we all fufilled our purpose so perfectly as did secretariat? To be able to look back down the track and see we have broken far away from the pack and are running our OWN race,doing what we are meant to do.
Is there anything more beautiful than to do what we are meant to do?
Like a woman giving birth..we were put here as female to essentially give new life. Which is why each and every time i gave birth i felt so fufilled , because it WAS what i was put here to do...be a mother. Not to say those who adopt or such are not fufilled...no contrary they probably are more so because they went out there and went after their destiny with hard work and then a wonderful reward ....to be a parent. To have a child.
Or to see a doctor use his hands for surgery
or a painter create art.
To just be able to pursue what we are here for....
Amazing. And the owner played by Diane Lane..she was a mother of 4 kids and she was a fighter! So refreshing and uplifting. I Love horse racing anyways ..iv had my eye on Zenyatta and i cant wait for the next big race :)
Well church tomorrow so i better get some rest in , seems i close my eyes and its already time to wake up...
Hope to get a craft in tomorrow afternoon with the kids if i do ill post the pics :)
"I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
Romans 9:17
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