"It's hard. You can't plan it. You have to watch people more. Sort of keep an eye on them... to protect them... cause they can't always see what they need. It's your big chance to "fix something" that's not like your bike... You can fix a person..."
(12-year-old Trevor
in "Pay It Forward)
Spent this morning cleaning and organizing a few things , paid some bills and got my goodwill donations together and loaded into the back of my van. Had a oh so wonderful late night date with Highlander last night i will miss him so much when he is gone.. a month without his sparkly eyes :(. Waited on him to come back home after he left to go do his bag drop, i have to drop him off at o dark thirty tomorrow morning which i am not amused with...sigh.
I will miss him tremendously . I always feel better when he is home.
I have alot of things i am going to try and schedule in this month, just plan on staying as busy as i can and looking fwd to him coming back home. I cant believe we are already thinking ahead to this summer when he will be leaving again for another whole year....it just sux. I guess the only silver lining is we wont be moving anytime soon, and I'm kind of glad for that as i want the kids to feel as much stability as possible.
Next weekend will be crazy i am watching a few extra kids for a fiend of mine so i will have a full house. But i love children so much...and i get alot of joy out of being around them.
Had a really nice fairly relaxing day with the family, Herb is sick and so are myself and my poor hubby..heres to hoping we all can feel better soon cause this sucks.
Tonight after dinner i was totally caught off guard when my husband told me he wants to give me $500 dollars for my 545 project. I didn't know what to say and he said well you are attracted to cheerful givers are you not? He makes my life so complete and i feel so overwhelmed at this gesture i almost just cant process it. What an amazing gift..there is going to be 5 blessed people come this Xmas. What an amazing man i am married to. Praise God to the ends of the universe for true love.
We have a thing he and I when he has to leave we don't say goodbye we just say ill be seeing you soon.....
What i learned today
In most watch advertisements the time displayed on the watch is 10:10 because then the arms frame the brand of the watch (and make it look like it
is smiling).
All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:2
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