- Benjamin Button: I was thinking how nothing lasts, and what a shame that is.
Daisy: Some things last.
The curious case of Benjamin Button
When we went to Disneyland this past summer i knew it was going to be tough. With my son being Autistic and having crazy sensory issues i knew Disney would be a challenge but what i did not expect was that it would inspire my heart and reaffirm why God trusted me so much he gave me such a special angel.
I woke earlier than everyone and went to bed last every day in order to get everything ready for a happy day.
I carried my son till my arms wanted to break off because he was scared of alot of things and overstimulated at times. But as long as i was holding him he was willing to keep going...and so was I.
I held him close when fireworks went off bracing him as to not have the jolt of sound scare him.
I never let go of him on any ride that was dark even if all i could do was hold his hand.
I sat and watched him run through water sprinklers while everybody else rode the rides because that is what he needed at the moment.
I waited in a line for 45 minutes to get his fries since that is all he would eat.
I begged Buzz Light year out loud as he started to walk away from a meet and greet 'one more please for my son" shouting so loud everyone within Tommorowland turned to look.
Buzz stopped and motioned for my son to come over even though he could see he was scared and unsure he waved at him and my son was over the moon.
I pretended i didn't care that i didnt get to ride Indiana Jones so that i could stay with him because he wanted to watch the water coming out of a bamboo pipe over by the tiki room waiting area.
I gave him my Dole Whip the one and only treat i really had been craving so he would stop crying.
On the last day as we headed out to the trams my son tired, loopy, sleepy, half smiling as i carried him said "happy, me"
I stopped and said "your happy?"
He said YES
My son was happy and he was TELLING me with words, and he was looking me in the eye and being so cute and so loving.It was all worth it , all the pain, and the exhaustion. All for love. I wanted that moment to last forever and it has in my mind.
Some things last. Like that memory.
Praise to The Lord for all my children whom are my life. My joy . And my example.
That i would be good. A good mother. To great children.
what a blessing.
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:9 )
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