Senior Ed Bloom: They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.
Big Fish
So he is gone.....
Dropped him off at horrid early hour , came home and i don't feel good at all. Whatever has been nagging at me has finally caught me and i feel like total crud.
I was surprised at how genuine Highlander seemed to be when it came to saying ill be seeing you...i could tell he was already missing me..us...kids...i know he has been home half a year already but it seems like only a few months at best ..time just speeds up when you are with the one you love. After spending a year apart this is a walk in the park, but still i wont lie, its comforting to see that my husband is just as attached to me as i am him he is the King of my heart. We must have hugged about 7 times before finally letting go and i wasn't even down the road before i got the first of many text messages today telling me all sorts of sweet and loving things. It truly made my day, for all his rough edges he still amazes me when he wants to. :)
He will be gone for his bday so we will celebrate when he comes back.
I have been super lazy today , as a matter of fact i cannot even recall a time when i was last this lazy, i just dont feel well.
Making a quick and easy dinner and then pajamas and hopefully a good nights rest tonight.
Going to start looking for a new larger dining room table. I am way to picky and cheap those things could prove to be trouble on my search. Highlander was going to build me a table but we decided against that idea because buying all the chairs separate and having them shipped was way to expensive.
So update on my journey ..my very slow slow journey lol to lose 40 pounds for the Lord himself directed me to..had a few setbacks with kids being sick and not being able to make it to the gym , and Highlanders dad being here for a few weeks but i am still progressing. I will weigh in on Friday for a number to post , just know good things can come in small numbers lol . :)
What i learned today pondering the King of hearts but this time on playing cards..
Why is the king of hearts the only king without a moustache?
Diamonds, clubs and spades are by association linked respectively with the corruption of wealth, war and death. In contrast, the heart as an organ is pure, open, undisguised - it does not wear artifice - hence the clean-shaven King of Hearts.
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
Song of Solomon 8:7
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