So what was up with last nights post? Well that was the second time in 6 months that someone wrote me in regards to my "perfect" life. I guess on one level it annoys me that people think that and on the other worries me that i sound like I'm over here eating sugar cubes (which by the way i am going to build a sugar cube house this xmas see above pic lol)cause my life is so "sweet". And then lets not forget about when i hear that I'm being TOO depressing. WTH? I guess no matter what there will be somebody out there who just cant hang. But on some serious level i can only hope that by reading that one can see that you know there are ups and downs and everything in between. Its life! Of course my spirit is better and mind somewhat more clear with having my spouse home rather than deployed and yes i love him to bits but don't think there are not days i don't want to strangle him because of course there are...hello...we are married with 4 kids and have a erratic crazy army life. But i guess i am choosing to write as it comes..but the next time my life starts to go to hell in a hand basket ill be sure to let everybody know..
What really trips me out is i only have 1 official follower and lots of stealth followers and then of course just straight blog stalkers. so i get these messages and its like what?? Your reading my blog? I didn't even know. Don't ask why I'm surprised i mean i am airing out a window to my life but i guess it is weird that anybody even cares lol.
So enough about all that hullabaloo and on to more important subjects like what the heck is The Rock going to be for halloween?? I "want" him to be a Robot but i am worried he wont be able to handle the costume. You see finding a costume for a kid with sensory integration issues is a nightmare. You literally have no clue. I go looking at costumes and its like straight out the gate 90 % of them are a no go. Too itchy or scratchy or to much around the neck, or things that go on the head that he wont wear . To loose or to long. Or to may pieces, the list goes on and it makes me feel exasperated. Its really kind of stupid because im the only one who cares if he dresses up or not, he could care less. This really isn't about him ..its more about me wanting to have a "experience" i guess...the joy of taking pictures of my kids in their costumes. Things most people just take for granite I'm up pacing the floor about....sigh. (That i would be good even if he wears no costume.)
I have already dressed and he has undressed himself 3 times this morning before 11 am. Its frustrating.
Once he goes to school i am going treasure hunting for just a bit to see if i can find anything to make the robot work for him...i looked online at some peoples pictures who had made really nice ones, and also people who made their very own Thomas the train...then i remembered ummm yeah i don't have Highlander here to help build anything that fancy...he will miss Halloween AGAIN this year...blah.
I did not find anything for the costume but got myself 3 things and picked up a birthday gift for a friends bday party this weekend/i just hope she likes it.
I wanted to write more but i have a headache so im closing out with this bit of wisdom...
“Because you understand ‘one’, you think that you also understand ‘two’, because ‘one’ and ‘one’ make ‘two’, but you must also understand the ‘and’.”
So what exactly is brain freeze?
A Brain Freeze, also known as Ice-cream headache, cold-stimulus headache,[1] or its given scientific name sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia (meaning "nerve pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion"), is a form of brief cranial pain or headache commonly associated with consumption (particularly quick consumption) of cold beverages or foods such as ice cream and Popsicles. It is caused by having something cold touch the roof of the mouth (palate), and is believed to result from a nerve response causing rapid constriction and swelling of blood vessels[2] or a "referring" of pain from the roof of the mouth to the head.
And now we all know ...but are we wiser ...hmmmmmmmm lol
On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation."Luke 22:40
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