Sally: Just I overheard you talkin' to Mater.
McQueen: When? Just, just now? What, what did, what did you hear?
Sally: Oh, just something about a helicopter ride.
McQueen: Oh, yeah. Yeah, he got a kick out of that, didn't he?
Sally: Did you mean it?
McQueen: What?
Sally: That you'll get him a ride?
You know Mater trusts you....
I should be in bed cause I'm really really tired and yet here i am , here we are , once again. The thing about being committed to something is that you have to mean it. No i mean like you have to actually show up and be well, committed. People start to lean on you , hell i start to lean on me, and when you say your going to do something you kinda have to ...do it. I told myself that if i decided to blog again i was going to do 2 things , number one temper light with dark and try to err more on the side of light :) and two that i would TRY to blog as much as i could. It is not easy sometimes, because usually the time i am afforded where i can sit and do this is when i am tired and being lazy and don't want to write lol ok type.
When you put something out there i think most times people don't expect you to be good on your word, or they don't think you will follow through with what you say because most of the time we live in a out of site out of mind world...more than ever you know i feel an obligation to my family my friends even strangers to uphold what it is i say i believe and what it is i ..do. I am not perfect and again i just fail all the time, but i really do try to mean it. I try hard to think about the things that i do and the things that i say. I want people to know that i take my life seriously.
The most intense relationship i have ever been in, in my life , is the one i am in right now with Jesus. I mean its not easy, i love the Lord with all my heart but to walk the path he wants me and everybody else to walk is not an easy one. The the thing i keep telling myself though is that its a journey..and i heard something the other day i want to share here. Sometimes when bad things or unexpected things happen to you , you think Lord why me, what lesson are you trying to pull here? And the answer is , sometimes its not even about you. Sometimes God calls us to be a servant in a big way, he calls attention to our lives through hardship, strife , hard times and even tragedy. He does this to some of the strongest and most dedicated servants , that they may be held up to others for an example that tough times don't last but tough people do. So you see sometimes the bad is happening TO you but the LESSON is meant for somebody else to see. What a word , what a picture is there for us when we see someone we know or admire suffering and or endure hardship, and they do it with strength and dignity and praise. Is there not a bar then for us to uphold our own lives to? That we may take an example from the strong and apply it to our hearts so that in our weakest moments we can draw upon that example and say if they made it , then God willing I am going to make it. God knows how to motivate, make no mistake about it,and when you have said I am here your servant is listening, and given yourself to be used for the higher purpose , be prepared to feel some pain. IT CANT be all sunshine and rainbows, or nobody would ever learn anything. For as terrible as it is we learn more in trial than in triumph.
I have come to unknown territory in my life, as my faith grows stronger my resolve to take my hand off things i have no control over grows better. There is something happening right now in my life that by all accounts should be making me feel over the edge, and because i know there is nothing i can do about it i will not worry about it, I'm going to go to bed actually, cause I'm giving it over to him again tonight , he is going to be awake all night anyways ,...right? :). We have to trust and have faith that the words in the bible are not just words but words that mean it.
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? (Luke 12:25-26)
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