"Behold I Make All Things New"
So yesterday was kind of a crazy day...The Rocks normal Sunday school teacher was not there and so he had to sit thru the first half of service with us which was uhh interesting lol. He did get up and dance to the music at one point and i felt very blessed that he is here and he is mine, and glory to God for he as well as the pillow are a miracle by all accounts...most of you know but for the few who may not i had my tubes tied after i had my second child and i had my tubes untied several years after highlander and I were already married and was pregnant within 2 months of having them undone :). With God ALL things are possible!
I cant believe i wear reading glasses now! And the more i wear them the more i see (no pun intended lol) that i REALLY needed them! Oh my i was straining my eyes so bad i can see (hehe) a huge difference in how i feel from not straining now :)
Its always the small things that can mess you up, the pebble in your shoe, a paper cut to the finger, but i think the key is to take the time to stop and actually figure out what the problem is and then fix it and carry on.
Last night i thought alot about myself my actions and how all of it is bound up to create my life...and its a crazy one for sure. But you know what its mine. And this is me. One of my greatest attributes is that i know how to live to see another day.
Do you even understand how valuable that is?
My husband made me laugh so hard last night ..we have been joking back and forth about being ufc fighters for Halloween and creating an octagon in the front yard....as i lamented to him last night how i feel like nobody understands me , he said well that's cause your hard to understand..you just don't fit into any mold.
I said yeah and hows that, he said well let me see if i can explain....its like your the sweetest girl in the world but you have one of the strongest personalities.
And just when i thought he was about to lecture me on how I'm not every body's cup of tea...he says "if you were to actually get into the octagon with someone for a fight . they would have to break your arm in order to stop the fight because short of that you would NEVER tap out....right?" But people would not bet on that with you it would surprise them.
I was dying with laughter at this point because as we joked about brawling in our front yard the other day he told me he would own my butt and i said NEVER i will never tap out you would have to kill me first and he said i know....that's the problem with you lmao!
ahh Highlander you make me smile wide, and as long as he understands me that is all that truly counts
I am lucky to have such a wise man in my life.
I am glad that today was a new day, the sun was shining i have my beautiful kids my loving husband and devoted dogs. a nice home, and am blessed to have a God that can make all things new. For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
All we can do is wake up with the knowledge that he loves us and wants us to be happy and will help guide our path. He alone weighs the heart.
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
Matthew 7:3
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