There’s a light on in the attic
Though the house is dark and shuttered,
I can see a flickerin’ flutter,
And I know what it’s about.
There’s a light on in the attic.
I can see it from the outside,
And I know you’re on the inside . . . lookin’ out.
Today was a fufilling day , not overly busy...i cooked with my girls and we went to a lego event at toys r us where the kids got to build a lego car. They really had a great time and best of all it was free! Cant beat that :)
Then i dropped my oldest son and his friend at the skatepark came home and then baked cookies with the Pillow, spent some time playing with them and now its time for bed. Its amazing how the days just fly when you are enjoying yourself. Spending good time with my children always refreshes me and makes me feel unstressed because i lay in bed at night and reflect upon all we did and feel glad that i took the time...for someday soon i know they will be gone before i know it. It is like a light in my attic, things can be dark but the highest and most lit place is always where my kids are and the happiness i find in them, i keep them at the top of my mind where i try to not let the rest of the "stuff" go. After all its just "stuff" :)
I hope this coming week goes by quick i cant wait for my love to come home!!! :) I miss him so much and i am excited if he does get to go trick or treating with the kids :)
Ok well its off to relax and maybe make a few ornaments if i can keep me eyes open long enough.
“I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me, should not abide in darkness.” John 12:46
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