Ms. Nora Digger Dinsmoor: She'll only break your heart, it's a fact. And even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you that the girl will only hurt you terribly, you'll still pursue her. Ain't love grand? (Great Expectations)
Bob: You know I'm retired from hero work.
Edna: As am I, Robert, yet here we are.
(The Incredibles)
I love that line.....
I must be the most unexpected housewife on the block.
Deeper lighter and darker than i could ever look on the surface
Filled with all my life
Walking around filled with so many others lives
Try to make it all count
If there is a war that ever was waged that was worth fighting for, i guess that would be for love.
There is such a fine line that one must walk in matters of the heart.
I took a chance that probably 99 % of the population did not think would be worth it let alone work out.
But here we are.
I Have grown ever more cautious in my ripe old age (hehe)
And when i see those i love take risk
i want to launch after them with a roll of charmin
wrapping them up
binding them up
to cushion the impact
in case they fall
But really God did not put me in the toilet paper business
he put me in the business of love
so i feel things so deeply
because i have loved deeply and lost
and i have loved deeply and won
and the distance between the two is about a centimeter at best
Blink and you could fall off the face of the planet.
Who am i to give advice right?
I married my husband after a short 4 month courtship. on the heels of demise.
It was supposed to be a rebound...so i was told
Which rebound by definition is
1. To spring or bounce back after hitting or colliding with something.
I guess i collided with true love
But how could i have known it would all work out?
Truth is i didnt
I just took a chance
And he had to convince me for it was saying yes to doing something that was offbeat
but when i did
I regained my heartbeat.
For i had lost the sparkle that was my life, trapped in something that defined me but was not me.
I just don't know it had to be divine intervention right?
Cause he was supposed to break my heart and leave me after the excitement wore off
and instead
he found me
and although nobody would probably believe me because i agree it seems to good to be true
We have an amazing love, its not sparks its fireworks when we are together, its my heart skipping a beat every time he walks in my door
and my heart dropping 10 feet every time he leaves.
Its a ironclad knowledge that this is true love.
That when we see each other after any time apart it is like 2 puzzle pieces that complete a bigger picture.
I have often wished that for everybody.
God please help someone i care about to make the right choice for you are not the God of confusion but of peace.
I thought i was retired from being a hero for love
and yet here i am...pouring my heart out yet again.
God has poured out his love into our hearts.
- Romans 5:5
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