Eric Applebaum, the Hat Collector: [while narrating] What Mahoney needed was the opportunity to prove to herself that she was something more than she believed. (Mr Magoriums wonder emporium)
I have a whole list in my head of things i want to do , places i need to go , people i want to see.
And i need to start on that list. Because that list is my life.
And i just refuse to write it down. Because then you know its real and i will actually have to get started on it.....
I dont have enough plastic tubs with matching lids to categorize my thoughts tonight.
Rambling again....
Have you ever thought about learning something new every day. I feel stunted right now, as in stuck. I feel not inspired. I feel bored a word i use so seldom that my husband has asked me several times over if i am ok...
I am ok in the physical sense but mentally i need a break from the mundane from the daily grind. I mean i cant stop doing what it is i do everyday or you know the sky will fall..but i want to in a small way add to my life on a daily basis to my personal inspiration bank. I thought about how we get here ...i think its by making to many withdrawels and not enough deposits. You cant wait for somebody else to inspire you...you have to inspire yourself.
So for the next few weeks i am going to try and learn something new each day based on questions i have or things my kids ask me or blips of things i see or hear or just plain wonder about just a small mental break to expand my horizen so to speak. Kids get up everyday seeking answers to everything , they wonder alot, learn alot, and ponder things that dont make much sense to anybody else. Why dont we as adults? Because we are trapped in our every day thought process of doing only what we know .
So todays thought is this --based on a question my daughter asked me today on our drive home from white sands ...why does a flag need to be burned if it touches the ground? I didnt know but guess what i found out!
The answer is
As long as the flag remains suitable for display, even if washing or dry-cleaning is required, you may continue to display the flag.It is a common misconception that if an American flag touches the ground, it is somehow no longer 'suitable for display' and must be destroyed. This is not true. The only rule regarding an American flag touching the ground (found in the US code title 4, chapter 1, section 8) is that the American flag must never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, floor, water, or merchandise. In the event that it does touch something beneath it, the proper course of action is to simply adjust the flag or the item below it so that they are no longer touching
So now i know and will share that info with my daughter tommorow.
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
Zephaniah 3:17
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