The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest
in all the details of daily life and elevating them to an art.
Happiness is having your child tell you "mom your the best". If i don't get that after a birthday party then i shouldn't collect 200 dollars and pass go.
I am exhausted, my back is killing me today for some reason, i even took a pain pill which i almost NEVER do..so while waiting for it to kick in here i am in all my blogging glory or something like that...btw I am going to buy a bluebird of happiness ornament for my Christmas tree this year..i saw it and am in love i cant wait !
BIG John goes home tomorrow and Highlander is getting ready to leave around the first week of October for a whole month ...:( . I am tired of spending time apart..it doesn't matter for how long it always sucks the same.
So as i watched all the kids at the birthday party bob for apples i wondered where that game came from ...so here is the info
Apple bobbing originates from Celtic times when Halloween was called Samhain in some Gaelic languages, when apples were associated with love or fertility. Some say this comes from the Roman goddess Pomona whilst others note that this game is an important part of the Celtic pagan religious festival of Samhain when families would gather together for a communal feast.
The current game is based on a New Year tradition, where whoever bites the apple first in the group will be the first to marry. The similar tradition of throwing rice at a wedding evolved from this, except apples were thrown originally.[6]
The popularity of this game is falling, possibly because people may regard it as unsanitary, although there is a variation on the game where the apples are hung on string on a line.
Girls who place the apple they bobbed under their pillows are said to dream of their future lover
so now i know...:)
Anybody amused yet lol
I just want to say that God has truly blessed me with my 4 beautiful children and my charming husband. When i lay in bed at night my heart is full because this family is my life and any night we are all here asleep under one roof is about as perfect as one could ever hope to have.
I think the bluebird of happiness is the feeling of being whole , not half not severed or fractured but to feel complete.......
Landslide , my eyelids are starting to fall down and with it they are taking all coherent thought....
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.1 Peter 3:9
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