“I want to spend the time I have doing things that make my heart rage.”
The Great Buck Howard
I don't want to complain and most of what i could say about today would be a complaint because i have had to deal with more mediocre b.s. and loathsome situations that waste my time...i can take alot of things but i cannot take it when people waste my time...its too precious to me and there isn't enough of it to go around.
Tomorrow is my daughters 11th birthday it seems like yesterday and at the same time like a million years ago that she was born i could not ask for a more beautiful obedient creative and loving girl than my winter..
Having a fall autumn themed party for her and i have to admit that i am a lil more behind than i usually am in the have everything ready field i am apparently trying to do my best under pressure performance ...which usually ends up being amazing :)
I already have some visions dancing in my head of apples and leaves and spice scented things and fall is here you know as in today is the first day of autumn....
My favorite season. The colors of my heart blazing and on fire ....
What did i learn today
I love riding the log flume rides at amusement parks they are one of my all time favorites and so i thought to look up where the first log flume ride was and to my surprise this is what i found
The first log flume amusement ride is said to be El Aserradero ("The Sawmill" in Spanish), built by amusement company Arrow Development (later known as Arrow Dynamics, and now part of S&S/Arrow) in 1963 at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas. The ride proved to be so popular that a second separate flume was opened in 1968. The designer, Bud Hurlbut, drew his inspiration from stories of lumberjacks riding logs down rivers...
I will enjoy having this knowledge when i visit six flags here in Texas :)
Yes i do wonder bout some random things but isn't it amusing to be learning all this :). I know i have been enjoying doing this little pet project it has inspired me already. Learning something new everyday just really shows me how much there is waiting out there in the world if we would but only seek it.
Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
—James 5:7-8
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