The Quakers believe that you should sit in silence until moved to speak..now that is cutting it down alot to fit in one sentence but i think that i understand that at least on a blogging level.
We had flash flooding for a short while yesterday and as i drove through it after picking the kids up from school i thought about how crazy it is that it can go from sunshine to flooding so quickly....
then it led me down a daydream to my clear dome umbrella, this is it!! This is going to be the year i buy one! I like odd things :)and i have wanted one for years...
Ok and the thought occurred to me as i passed people getting poured on at the bus stop how when they left to go out to the bus stop there was no way they could of expected this so of course they did not have umbrellas
And that is life , unexpected things hit us and we get rained on....
I have had a rough week filled with some stressful moments and try as i might believe at times that the sky is falling its not
I am still here.
And the people who were drenched yesterday are dry today
I really love my husband, he is truly the love of my life, all this week when he has come home from work he has been so sweet and helpful and we actually watched 2 movies together which might be a record ..
I just see that so clearly no matter what i am feeling the rock of my life the Lord, and my anchor , my husband ,
keep me grounded when i might otherwise float away.....
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