I had somebody write me and tell me that my blog is too depressing . That i should write about happy stuff like......cookies and my kids. Really?? Surly this person never read the OTHER blog......i guess i need to eat more cotton candy....... Oh OK sorry .....my bad. So basically I'm not fluffy enough. Actually i understand that on more levels than you think. That is the problem in and of itself but dually noted and i promise to write more later and it will include cookies and kids.
Oh hell lets just get the cookie part out of the way now i mean i HAVE wondered where the tradition of leaving cookies for santa came from...
-The tradition of Christmas cookies for Santa isn’t an incredibly old one. In fact, it is believed to have emerged around the time of the Great Depression when parents wanted to inspire their children to share with others, especially in hard times.
-Straw and carrots are left for the reindeer. Hay was left for St. Nicholas's horse before 1821. These items were, at one time, left for the Magi's camels. Americans leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus. In England sherry and mince pie are left.
-The origin of leaving cookies is unknown, but an article for the Alibene Reproter-News (Texas), wrote the tradition may be similar to other European holiday customs like how Dutch children fill wooden shoes with hay for Santa's horses.
Do you know that the most popular cookie kids leave for Santa is the Oreo?
So i added pics of the kids .....
I understand. You want to show up and you want rainbows and cookies and kids and sunshine and hearts and flowers. I dont blame you. We are all of us searching for someone to make us feel better.
Stick to what your good at one could say ...so i am good at baking and reproducing spartan children.....yeah ok. I guess maybe i am. But i am also good at provoking thoughts and stirring souls.
Its only the world who cant accept me as both. I am actually fine with it.
Anyhow the hour grows late my invisible stalkers.
Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. - (KJV)Psalms 5:8
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