“Everyone wants to tell you what to do and what's good for you. They don't want you to find your own answers, they want you to believe theirs. I want you to stop gathering information from the outside and start gathering it from the inside.”
Oh this is the beginning of the busy season for me. Every year sept marks the ready set go button that is somewhere inside of me. Maybe because fall is my favorite season ,maybe because even the dollar store is rich in fake leaves and turkey cutouts, who knows but its a changing of season in my life and i love it.
At any given moment i have a hundred thoughts running through my head ideas , things that i want to try people i need to see crafts i want to make recipes i want to bake and that has to compete with the 4 minions that control this home. But i am queen of my own heart and have been for some time now. This empowerment leads to good places, high places, and better places.
How can you truly be happy if you are living out somebody elses dream? You dont want to wake up one day at the end of somebodys elses life. In the final stretch you need to be able to land your own plane. Shut down the engine and say to the world thank you for flying WITH me.
I am not advocating selfish behavior here. What i am saying is you need to learn to do what you love entwined with what your good at and infused with a purpose. Why are you here? And what the hell are you doing? No im not talking about work or raising kids , you know what are you doing in your other life the one that exists in those far and few small moments in your day when you can be doing something that feeds your soul.
Every morning when i am out and about i see any number of homeless people , i have a overwhelming urge to pull my car over and get out and ask what their name is, take their picture , smile at them, maybe give them something to eat. For no reason except maybe so when i see them again they will have a name and they will not be invisible.
Why do i want to always help people. Who knows ? Is it a gift , maybe, is it memories of my mother helping others , probably, is it a small thought from when i was 6 in church and the pastor and his wife saying they had adopted a girl and she was my age and about my size, i snuck from my house a dress and a pair of underwear to church the next week and gave it to them for her and they looked at me almost crying very happy and me not really understanding what i had done just knowing that i was helping that little girl and for some reason it felt wonderful. Yeah all that and more leads me on this life chase to just be available , to be open to where i am sent to help. To give what im told to give. To lose what im asked to lose. And to knit the whole lot together and say this is my life! Knowbody else seems to understand they look at what i do like umm ok thats cool but its not for me.
So what is for you?
The more attention we focus on our spiritual nature the more it will unfold in our lives. If you think you already know how to land your own plane then give back to others who are waiting on standby for a flight.
A Man's mind plans his way,but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure." Proverbs 16:9
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