Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I would do anything for sleep but....i cant do that

Sometimes my life is like The Scream above...
My son doesn't sleep. Like ever. His battery  never dies , his body never fails him, we should all be so lucky.
Except i am not that lucky and i am tired.I took him to the psychologist today and they want to prescribe Ritalin. He has PDD-NOS which  causes him to be very busy almost hyper...its exhausting he never stops EVER. But i cant do Ritalin, its just not an option.Ritalin by its nature is a stimulant its not going to help him sleep...his behavior his excitability his hyperness i can handle, but no sleep is becoming a bad issue but i am not willing to give up all the hard work and recovery we have done up unto this point bringing him out of an autistic wasteland back into the light so that a little pill can turn him into a vegetable. Hell he doesn't even eat vegetables lol
I would rather stay awake all night every night and him bright and shiny than be well rested but get a blank stare. I am not naive i know if things get worse or he cant function in school then we may to explore more options..but the thing i don't get is how i walk in looking for something for sleep only and walk out with him writing up a RX for Ritalin 3 x a day every day...makes no sense.
We have done melatonin, baths, turning out all lights, cutting off TV video games and any other stimulating stuff, limited sugar dyes and other fun stuff in the diet. Truth is none of it matters. He is like the energizer bunny, as i type this he is off somewhere in his room playing toys and getting into books. When i get off he will lay down we will read the great green room and then the countdown begins as to when he will nod off...its insane. They wont give him sleep meds but here kid have some Ritalin...sigh x 1000
Its a tough job being a mom everyday something ...tom Season gets her braces on.
I feel insanely lost and off the radar lately
and yet everything under the sun seems to find me

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.” (1 Peter 5:8-9)

So back to square one and the drawing board.
May Gods love be with you.......always

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