Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jealousy is a disease

When my first son Herb was born i never left his side. Not EVER.He was 2 years old and it was the day i was having Season before i ever spent a night away from him. I thought maybe i have slipped over the years and then i was watching my son The Rock who will be 4 in June and i realized i have never spent not even 1 night away from him, in almost 4 years.
 Say what you want about me but i have been there for my children and if i escape every once in a blue moon, shame on you for snickering about my small moments when i am kid free.
Jealousy is a disease get well soon .

Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.
<< Psalm 35 >>

1 comment:

  1. Never ever left my children either, not overnight, not for a weekend away. Nothing.
    There are some parents that have no regret pawning their kids off on anyone just so they can get away or be alone. I have never understood why they have the need to do that.
    Now on the other hand I think it is good for a marriage for a husband and wife to have some alone time away from the kids, without distractions and interruptions....and I will gladly babysit for you or anyone else I care about to have those moments with your love, alone
