Two-minute attitude drill: To everyone: You can trust me. I'm committed to excellence. I care about you as a person. EVERY DAY: Do good. Do your best.
What is wrong with people. I had somebody write me a note and in it they playfully mention that my "do gooder" attitude is annoying. That i need to chill with my giveaways and "relax". Not the first time i have had to deal with a mediocre mind and im sure it wont be the last.
Frankly my dear i do give a damn THAT much, i care THAT much and my do gooder attitude is gasp JUST WHO I AM. The problem being that most people DONT know who THEY are. This is me and i live this every day. I dont write things or post things to annoy others i do it to inspire others. Its not a "look at me" thing its a follow me thing.
By the way iv been up since 3 am isnt insomnia a wonderful productive thing :)
Spent our anniversary grilling , baking ,talking, kissing, and just being home. Sitting out on the back porch watching him grill kebobs while my 2 daughters hang on his every word and fawn all over him cause he really is the best....we miss him still even though he is home cause he is gone so much. Siiting in the adirondack chairs talking about our dream to buy a crazy ugly house and fix it up to our perfection. How we are going to name our house as in like actually give it a name, that is where silver springs comes in ........our special day it fell during the middle of the first school week and Mark is up to his eyeballs in busy work for the dumbells AT work so we didnt actually go anywhere but that is ok by me. It was overall relaxing and enjoyable and Mark bought me a kindle! Oh how i love that man of mine :) 10 years dont they go by in a blink.
After dinner i baked 4 loaves of banana bread 2 to keep and 2 to giveaway to friends neighbors...i love that when i bake Highlander will hover near me or sit at his desk (we each have our OWN desk :) talking to me and carefully watching what i do should the chance arrive he might get to lick a beater with leftover batter or sample whatever it is that is coming out of my oven.
I found a adorable little poem to attach to the loaves of bread which i think added the perfect touch.
"A penny for happy thoughts, Grains
that grow and nourish, Leavenings to lift us up, May
friendship ever flourish.".......
I love to bake it heals me, and that is why i love to give because it heals me as well....
We laid in bed talking and we both marvelled at how it doesnt even seem like we have been together a decade. Time flies. Tempus ovid as i have tattooed on my shoulder....
Uh oh i am caught my husband is up asking me what i am doing up yet again , but he is smiling shaking his head and now fixing me coffee. Going to have a cup o joe with my love before he goes to the circus.
"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15
This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me
This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me
And I I'm desperate for you
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