Lord, soften my heart to Your ways. Cause me always to respond with “Yes, Lord,” and immediate obedience.
Thank you, Lord Jesus for choosing me before the creation of the world and calling me to be your servant. Keep me faithful, not out of duty or guilt, but out of love for you.
I should have probably known something was on the horizen. I really think the Lord likes to send us lots of signs and depending on what its about we either chose to acknowledge or we dont.
It actually started this morning when i made a ultra quick stop at the thrift store looking for a few pop top water bottles for Sage to haul to the skatepark pool etc, as i spotted one for him, another caught my eye, it was black and purple and a good size. I glanced at what the writing said on the side it said "curves" ok no biggie and away i went buying it and not thinking much else about it.
Then as i taxi carted my kids around on the way back from the skatepark , radio blaring kings of leon and all i can hear is the lines "someone like me, someone like me". I stop at the stoplight and clear as day i hear the Lord say" Im asking you to lose 40 pounds it will be an example."
Fear pounds my heart. I say "do i have a time limit?"
The lord says "no"
That was it. I dropped off the friends came home paced in my kitchen, bent over picked up a piece of paper which actually was a fortune out of a fortune cookie from our dinner at china star the other night and it reads "you should be able to undertake and complete anything you desire" and on the back is the "lucky" numbers and yeah you guessed it the number 40 is on there!
Usually i get asked to give something away, or to help somebody, a few times i have been asked to do something very specific but its always been something that is in my nature to do and has never really been something that has shocked me or made me feel well...uncomfortable. I mean i have lost alot of weight in my day so its not like i cant lose weight or dont know how. But if i lose this 40 pounds i will be at a weight that i havent been at since about the 9th grade. So its kind of asking me to do something that is not only not easy but something i havent been able to do before.Well at least not on my own. Lets face it i have it to lose so this is not a erratic request. But its the example part that has me wondering? I mean the best i can guess is that maybe its a example of with God all things are possible. Maybe there are others out there that need to lose weight and seeing me do this will launch them fwd to sucess...who knows im reaching lol.
The thing is as soon as he asked me key word being asked, i started to hear that song crazy playing in my head especially the line that says
"Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul"
I mean really who DO i think i am ? I like to think i have a servants heart, that im ready to answer the call. that i "mean it" when i say im here your servant is listening use me!
If i am that person then i got this. Right?
Mark said you know maybe your not such a crazy choice for this assignment, i mean if the Lord asked me to do this number one it would be unhealthy but then also people would expect me to accomplish this, where with you its obvious you are going to have to work.
Yes as Big Black on Rob n Big always says its time to do work!
I have so much going on i seriously was not expecting this AT ALL.
Its not like im going to let the Lord down. I just cant, no, i wont. I cannot praise him enough for all the blessings he has poured out on my life.
Oh somebody get ready to hear me snivel, cause this is going to get tough but the tough get going right? :)
Ill begin tommorow morning. I am waking up to work out and pray . early.
I want to reflect the glory of God in everything i do. Let the things my hand finds to do inspire others so that they may know God IS good.
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might Ecclesiastes 9:10