Friday, March 18, 2011

Prayers and poison

There is a poison that distills itself out of good things. 
            Bram Stoker 

I thank you for the prayers. I thank God for the answer!.
well its been a lovely fast paced spring break. Have had every single day filled to maximum capacity with things to do places to go.Helps to have the time pass. I pass alot of time, spend most of it waiting for my husband to get home.
Only to leave ..again.
He is going to be again leaving for a whole month very soon ...hate to think that by summer it will be just me again.
I don't  know what it means for things to last anymore. Seems like  time just goes by too fast and then its ill be seeing you time yet again. But yeah I'll think about that some other day..
So i have some haters by the way and to that i say God Bless you. People don't like me why? Cause apparently i must have a hidden agenda and i am generous and good because i am seeking something that i don't let on to...sounds like a conspiracy theory if i ever heard one but whatever.
I am actually used to it. The only strength i find in any of it is that people who feel this way must be missing something very important in their own life to try and drag down mine. But as much as i would like to care i find myself understanding that there are to many good and worthy people, true people, faithful people, to worry about the ones who are not.
Covetousness invades when you are not satisfied with the blessings God has bestowed upon you. 
The trouble it seems is they see something they are not doing or don't have and it pushes jealously or bitterness and sometimes displaced anger.
Lets give thanks for all the good that still is left out there.Like a scattered legion there are some of us who truly believe in giving loving hoping and blessing without thoughts of what is in it for us. Without coveting anothers joys and with true fellowship for the sake of loving one another.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Romans 12:21 

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